

  • @returns {String} Returns the className.

To create a className, you need to call css with your style rules in a tagged template.

import { css } from "goober";
const BtnClassName = css`
border-radius: 4px;
// vanilla JS
const btn = document.querySelector("#btn");
// BtnClassName === 'g016232'
// JSX
// BtnClassName === 'g016232'
const App => <button className={BtnClassName}>click</button>

Different ways of customizing css#

Passing props to css tagged templates#

import { css } from "goober";
// JSX
const CustomButton = (props) => (
border-radius: ${props.size}px;

Using css with JSON/Object#

import { css } from "goober";
const BtnClassName = (props) =>
background: props.color,
borderRadius: props.radius + "px",

Notice: using css with object can reduce your bundle size.

We also can declare the styles at the top of the file by wrapping css into a function that we call to get the className.

import { css } from "goober";
const BtnClassName = (props) => css`
border-radius: ${props.size}px;
// vanilla JS
// BtnClassName({size:20}) -> g016360
const btn = document.querySelector("#btn");
btn.classList.add(BtnClassName({ size: 20 }));
// JSX
// BtnClassName({size:20}) -> g016360
const App = () => <button className={BtnClassName({ size: 20 })}>click</button>;

The difference between calling css directly and wrapping into a function is the timing of its execution. The former is when the component(file) is imported, the latter is when it is actually rendered.

If you use extractCSS for SSR, you may prefer to use the latter or styled api to avoid inconsistent results.