Sharing Style

There are a couple of ways to effectly share/extend styles across components.


One can simply extend the desired component that needs to be enrich or overwriten with another set of css rules.

import { styled } from "goober";
// Let's declare a primitive for our styled component
const Primitive = styled("span")`
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
// Later on we could get the primitive shared styles and also add our owns
const Container = styled(Primitive)`
padding: 1em;

Using as prop#

Another helpful way to extend a certain component is with the as property. Given our example above we could modify it like:

import { styled } from 'goober';
// Our primitive element
const Primitive = styled('span')`
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
const Container = styled('div')`
padding: 1em;
// At composition/render time
<Primitive as={'div'} /> // <div class="go01234" />
// Or using the `Container`
<Primitive as={Container} /> // <div class="go01234 go56789" />